808, 2022

Clinical Hypnosis & Pain Management

Clinical Hypnosis & Pain Management Miracle or Malarkey? You might think hypnosis sounds like bullshit. For two reasons, clinical hypnosis works well for chronic pain management: body relaxation and true cognitive redirection. First, hypnosis only happens once a client has entered a state of relative calm or relaxation. Anything we [...]

208, 2022

Prepping for the “Real” World: Tools for Emerging Young Adults

There are few times in life more exciting than preparing for the transition from being a child into living as part of the “real” adult world. This transitional period can also be very challenging. All the change, new financial stressors, going to school, finding a job, starting a family. There [...]

108, 2022

7 powerful strategies to help your teenager with productive struggle in high school

With the slower days of summer, also comes my tradition of finding the weirdest puzzle I can and setting it up in the living room to give a little distraction from screen time. It’s disgustingly hot in Georgia right now, so I am not surprised that my kids don’t want [...]

1207, 2022

Summertime Boredom: Staying Away From Your Phone In Your Free Time

Summer Break AKA Unlimited Phone Time For many people, when the summer time comes round it feels like the one time of year where they have unlimited time for their hobbies or activities. The sun is out longer, people are spending time talking to one another and you don’t want [...]

1306, 2022

Getting to know Internal Family Systems (IFS) through the lens of a chocolate covered almond

I have a part that likes to eat. I mean, it likes to eat – to excess – chocolate covered anything, sweeeeet treats, and anything that would have been forbidden or restricted in my childhood. This part revels in the fact that I’m now an adult with resources who can [...]

806, 2022

4 favorite tools to boost student motivation and happiness

I fell down on my morning run today, like all the way on the ground, in an ungraceful, slow, dorky trip over a rock I didn’t see. And this wasn’t the first time. When I told my husband the story, he unkindly pointed out to me that he hasn’t fallen [...]

106, 2022

A Guide To Supporting A Loved One Dealing With PTSD

Loving someone who suffers from PTSD is difficult mainly because you cannot immediately put yourself in their position to understand their true feelings. Whether it’s a relative, partner or friend this blog will guide someone on how to better communicate and empathize with someone who has PTSD.   Everyone Needs [...]

2704, 2022

More than a Hashtag: Making Your Mental Health Matter

Mental Health On Social Media The mental health movement online has gained many spectators over the past couple of years with its popularity exponentially growing during the peak pandemic season when everyone was locked inside their homes, having to face their issues head-on. The rise of this movement can be [...]

2504, 2022

5 Ways To Show Your Partner You Care

  Where Is The Love? When you think of your relationship, you want to be reminded of all the little ways that you and your partner show that you care about each other, but what do you do when you feel like your efforts to be appreciated for your love [...]

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